Healthcare RTO with Aged Care, Acute Care & Community Care Contracts

5 days ago

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This is a well established Registered Training Organisation & Consultancy with funding contracts, growing revenues & ongoing service agreements with some of Australia's largest health care providers


$2,960,000 pa


$68,000 pa


$2,152,000 pa

Net Profit

$740,000 pa

Location Details

Leader in the Victorian Market and servicing clients nationally across Australia.
Pathways also paved into international markets.


This business has key contracts with some of Australia's largest healthcare clients. Holds multiple funding contract which can be explanded across states with client services extending to most states in Australia. Has a strong fee for service consulting component and are see as the leaders in the healthcare continuous improvement education sector.
Great potential for growth in the Australian healthcare market across all verticals of healthcare.


Established team of leadership, operations, educators, consultants, marketing and sales.
This business is ideal for an addition to an existing portfolio or to purchase to establish a foothold in the healthcare education and consulting market and expand.


9am til 5pm Monday to Friday

Non-standard hours of work available by agreement.


Lease is currently being negotiated 2year with a 2year option.


18+ employees

Reason for Sale

Seeking investor to scale to next level and open to outright buyer in the right circumstances.
Offering the options to buy majority, controlling stake or 100% takeover.

About the Business

Fully operational RTO with Delegate status and 11 funded National Skills Courses, 18 short courses (clinical)
Head Office in Melbourne, with clients across Australia, including; NSW, QLD, WA, Tasmania
10 years experience as the only RTO in Australia who delivers both Industry Skills and Lean Process Qualifications – Cert 3 to Advanced Diploma
Large Pipeline consisting of; Hospitals, Aged Care, Disability, Community Health, Animal Health and industry groups
Extensive Fee for Service programs across all sectors
New model in the largest potential growth market in Australia – Aged Care and Disability Recruitment
Dedicated team of 30+ years Clinical Educators and Business Improvement Experts


Established in 2013 to make a meaningful impact in the healthcare sector by advancing processes, practices and skills.
By 2016 it had grown substantially and acquired an established registered training organisation to increase access to funding.
2018 -2020 expanded program offerings across all sectors.
2021 -2022 expanded short course and mindfully chose to retain staff to support covid initiatives dispite the restrictions. Supported most Victorian education programs to skill workers in effective PPE useage in the outbreak centres.

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