Gym Apparel Business

7 days ago

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Alpha Line is a gym apparel business based in Sydney that specializes in high-quality and functional athletic wear.

Location Details

Its primarly an online business


The brand is relatively new but is quickly gaining popularity as a grass-roots and up-and-coming brand. Their clothing line is designed to cater to the fitness enthusiast and athletes, providing them with comfortable and stylish options for their workouts. Alphaline is dedicated to creating apparel that is both performance-driven and fashionable. With its focus on quality and innovation, Alpha Line is poised to make a significant impact in the gym apparel industry.


I've already started the company with trusted suppliers and built the website so only requires someone with passion to take over.


Any time and day as its an online business




Self employed with a contracted social media influncer running all things social

Reason for Sale

I've decided to go back into practice as a lawyer and unfortunely do not have the time to continue my passion project

About the Business

Alphaline is one of the newest Activewear brand that is different to any other business.
A vision orientated business based in Sydney, Australia is creating a new and exciting model that is based on premium quality at affordable pricing. We are also pledging 10% of our profits will go to a different charity every month which we will be shown via our social media accounts. Transparency is one of the key promises in this journey.


The owner, was actually a practicing criminal defence lawyer until he was let go due to COVID-19. This has enabled him to follow his passion for fitness and be able to design and procedure a new line of gym appeal.

The vision of this brand is to allow this start-up business to enable people from all walks of life to achieve their untapped potential. The logo is to exemplify the possibilities of your fitness journey and to provide motivation of what we, as a brand and a community, can achieve. One step at a time.

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