Regional NSW > New South Wales
Investment level:
Commercial Services > Agriculture & Primary services > Agricultural
This business will suit someone who loves the outdoors and wants to enter the beekeeping industry with support and training to take advantage of the demand for clean sustainable healthy food.
$200,000 pa
$0 pa
$50,000 pa
$150,000 pa
The business can be relocated to anywhere in NSW but the current beesites are in Northern NSW so that would be the logical starting point. Extracting plant would need to be setup ideally at a suitable shed at your home property.
The upside with beekeeping is enormous as you can consider bottling and selling the honey retail. You could consider queen rearing for which there is also large demand.
There is some lifting involved so a strong back is an advantage. Truck driving is also required.
Like any small business the hours are self determined and there is always more to be done than time permits.
No employees required to run this small business.
The only reason we are selling is I have other buisiness interests that are also growing rapidly and time is running short to do everything.
The business is home based but does require alot of field work. Bee sites are secured from private landholders and some state government agencies and hives are migrated periodically to suit flowering conditions.
As the hives fill with honey it is returned to your central honey extracting plant (not included in this sale) and extracted from the combs and sold in bulk to honey packers.
The sale includes 600 hives plus a suitable truck and trailer with a loader.
These are not ordinary beehives, they are next generation HiveIQ EPS hives which means they are lighter and better insulated than tradtional hives and all sorts of bonus functionally that ensures the bees outperform any other apiary plus the ongoing maintenace is extremely low for the beekeeper.
The truck is a 5 year old dual cab Hino 300 4 x 4 with a super single wheel conversion with about 120000km. The trailer has the latest Ezyloader 200 automatically leveling loader to making loading as easy as ossible in all conditions.
I have only had the business two years although I have 30 years experience as a beekeeper it has been on and off as other interests allow. The selling price is simply the value of the plant and equipment and makes no allowance for the goodwill.
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