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29 days ago

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Internal Ref: bus4476


With over 20 years of experience in the industry, the current owners are seeking a new owner to take advantage of the business's strong sales and inst...

About the Business

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, the current owners are seeking a new owner to take advantage of the business's strong sales and installation services showing strong profits, and significant potential for growth.

Earn significant annual profit from this stable business sector. How much?? Complete a Confidentiality Agreement to receive an IM today and you will see why this business represents great value.

The business boasts a well-established income from service and maintenance, in addition to installation services. The current owners have exciting plans and ideas for future growth and are eager to share them with the new owners. With a loyal and expanding customer base, the business has consistently demonstrated repeat business and customer re-engagement in both the commercial and residential sectors.

The business is supported by a highly experienced team with all the necessary industry qualifications and skills to provide top-quality service to its customers. As the new owner, you will have a solid foundation on which to continue building and growing the business, with endless opportunities for expansion and development.


Annual Revenue: Exceeds $4 million per annum

Profit: Exceeds $600,000 per annum to owner/operator

Gross Profit: over 44%

Turnover and profits are growing. New contracts mean that future revues are assured.

This is an exceptional opportunity for a prospective purchaser to take over a strong and reputable business with significant upside potential. All interested parties will need to sign a Confidentiality Agreement to access further information about the business. For more details, please contact Bruce Coudrey on 0411 226 888 anytime.

FOR SALE: $1,800,000 (includes P&E) + SAV

For further information on this opportunity, please contact the exclusive broker direct:

Bruce Coudrey
Senior Business Broker
Benchmark Business Sales & Valuations
M: 0411 226 888
T: 1300 366 521

If you’d like to know more about this business, go to our website and use the reference: bus4476 to search for the business.

Please ensure you have the necessary capital or equity before expressing an interest in this business.

The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the business.

Business Category: air-conditioning installation, air-conditioning servicing, air-conditioning repairs, air-conditioning design, air-conditioning maintenance

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